Elora Festival Singers offer up transcendent choral works!

David Richards, Toronto Concert Reviews.

The Toronto Mendelssohn Choir is celebrating Noel Edison’s 20th anniversary season. Edison, its current Artistic Director, is only the choir’s seventh conductor in a line of distinguished leaders since its founding in 1894. The Toronto Mendelssohn Choir has been fortunate over the years in finding eminent conductors who have each had long tenures. It was fitting that the Elora Festival Singers, the professional core of the TMC kick off the year’s festivities with its own program.

Yesterday, at Holy Trinity Church, next to the Eaton Centre and close to the noise and hubbub of marathoners completing their races at nearby Nathan Phillips Square, the ‘Singers’ presented a meditative programme of choral masterpieces.

Edison’s genius as Artistic Director lies not only in preparing his choir to an exceptional level of performance. He consistently finds music spanning five centuries that fits into a coherent package. Yesterday was no exception; each work was exquisite on its own, but the combination added up to a mystical experience.

Beginning with Palestrina’s Missa: Ut, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La the music soared in the ambient acoustics of the church. The six-part a capella mass offered plenty of exposed moments for each section of the twenty-member ensemble. It maintained a magnificent blend of voices in beautiful Italian Renaissance style throughout.

Read the full review at Toronto Concert Reviews.