A Safe Creative Space
A fulfilling, and healthy environment
The Toronto Mendelssohn Choir (TMChoir) aims to provide a creatively fulfilling, safe, and healthy environment that is inclusive of people who identify as various races, genders, abilities, and sexual orientations. We aim to ensure positive and respectful relationships that are demonstrated by welcome, friendship, and support among our members for everyone involved in our organization.
Everyone has a responsibility to build safe and respectful creative spaces. These spaces include rehearsals, performances, workshops or social functions related to TMChoir.
We have zero tolerance for harassment, sexual harassment and violence and seek to address these behaviours as quickly as we can to stop further harm. We are open to various approaches to address conflict and will seek to use processes that are fair and timely to stop unwanted behaviour from escalating.
Harassment is defined as any offensive or intimidating behaviour that is unwelcome. It can take many forms including unwanted sexual attention, inappropriate jokes or texts, threats, and other unwelcome verbal, written, electronic, visual or physical communication or conduct. The behaviour can be direct or indirect, obvious or subtle, active or passive. The impact on the subject of harassment, not the intent of the harasser, defines harassment.
Artistic and Administrative Staff have the responsibility to present the Choir to the best of its ability. Managing performance (i.e. providing direction to an individual(s) in order to improve the performance), absenteeism, discipline and dismissal – as long as the action respects policies and legislation, and is reasonable and not abusive or discriminatory – should not be interpreted as harassment.
The 2018 TMChoir Policy on Harassment and Workplace Violence (updated March 2020) outlines the processes in place for those involved with TMChoir to resolve issues, and includes specific definitions and parameters. To ensure that TMChoir Board members, choristers and staff are equipped with the information they need, training will be provided by a specialist in workplace safety.
If one believes that they have experienced harassment of any type within TMChoir, there are several processes they can follow, from directly notifying the harasser that their behaviour is unwelcome, to making a verbal or written complaint. The TMC has designated four complaint recipients to whom an individual may address their complaint.
- Chair of the TMChoir Board of Directors (boardchair@tmchoir.org)
- Executive Director of the TMChoir (manager@tmchoir.org or 416.598.0422, ext. 222)
- Through ClearView Connects, a third party reporting service which enables complainants to make an anonymous complaint to the TMChoir (online at clearviewconnects.com or call the TMC dedicated toll free number at 1.833.550.1786).
For more details, please see TMChoir Policy on Harassment and Workplace Violence.